Userfield Constraint Types

Last modified on September 11, 2023 at 2:11 pm


This is a summary of the constraint types available for your userfields. For information on creating and maintaining userfields, see the Userfields documentation.

Minimum Value

  • Constraint name: minimumValue
  • Applies to userfield types:

Requires that all user input be greater than or equal to the value you specify.

Maximum Value

  • Constraint name: maximumValue
  • Applies to userfield types:

Requires that all user input be less than or equal to the value you specify.

Minimum Length

  • Constraint name: minimumLength
  • Applies to userfield types:

Requires that all user input be greater than or equal in length to the value you specify.

Maximum Length

  • Constraint name: maximumLength
  • Applies to userfield types:

Requires that all user input be less than or equal in length to the value you specify.

Minimum Date

  • Constraint name: minimumDate
  • Applies to userfield types:

Requires that the date the user enters must be equal or after the date you set.

Maximum Date

  • Constraint name: maximumDate
  • Applies to userfield types:

Requires that all user input be before or equal to the value you specify.