Last modified on September 11, 2023 at 2:12 pm
This is a summary of the userfield types available for your custom userfields. For information on creating and maintaining userfields, see the Userfields documentation.
- Type name: text
- JSON value type: string
- Available constraint types:
A text userfield allows users to enter free-form text information into the input field.
- Type name: number
- JSON value type: number
- Available constraint types:
A number field allows users to enter integer-type numbers into the input field. Note that fractional values are not allowed in fields of this type.
- Type name: decimal
- JSON value type: number
- Available constraint types:
A decimal field allows users to enter decimal numbers into the input field.
- Type name: email
- JSON value type: string
- Available constraint types:
An email field allows the user to enter an email address. When the user submits their information form, the contents of this field will undergo validation to ensure a valid email address has been enterend, and the user will be required to correct the value if it is determined not to be a valid email address.
- Type name: date
- Expected format: MM/dd/yyyy, i.e. month/day/year, where month and day are both two digits, and the year is four digits.
- JSON value type: string
- Available constraint types:
A date field represents a calendar date (as opposed to a timestamp). The user will be presented with an input field where they can type a date manually. When the input field is focused, they will also be presented with a calendar widget which allows them to choose a date from a graphical calendar. When the form is submitted, the value of the field will undergo validation to ensure a valid date has been entered. If validation fails, the user will be required to correct or clear the value.
- Type name: dropdown
- JSON value type: string
A dropdown allows a user to choose a string value from a dropdown list element in the information form with options you specify.
- Type name: radiobuttons
- JSON value type: string
A radiobuttons userfield allows a user to choose a string value from a set of radio button inputs in the information form with options you specify.
Single Checkbox
- Type name: checkbox
- JSON value type: boolean
A checkbox userfield allows a user to toggle a value on or off. Note that when working with userfield values, the checkbox can only be considered selected when the userfield id indicates a value of boolean true.
- Type name: checkboxes
- JSON value type: array of strings
A checkboxes userfield allows a user to choose multiple string values from a set of checkbox button inputs in the information form with options you specify. Because multiple values are allowed, userfield values will be presented as an array of strings indicating which checkboxes the user selected.
- Type name: truefalse
- JSON value type: boolean
A true/false userfield allows a user to choose either true or false from a dropdown list. Userfield values will present the user’s choice as a JSON boolean value.
- Type name: yesno
- JSON value type: string
A yes/no userfield allows a user to choose either yes or no from a dropdown list. Userfield values will present the user’s choice as a JSON string which will be either yes or no.
- Type name: message
A message userfield is informational only; it does not allow the user to enter a value. It may be used to provide instructions or information about the userfields which follow on the input form.