Retrieve User Agreements

Last modified on August 24, 2023 at 8:11 pm


Retrieve a list of all user agreements for a given user. This may include the DigitalChalk end user license agreement (type standard) as well as any additional custom agreement your organization has added (type custom), if any. The JSON-encoded response object will contain a results property with an array of user agreements. The Object Definition is provided below.

JSON Object Definition

The following lists properties on the JSON object representing user agreements you may encounter when retrieving a list of user agreements. Fields with no value set are omitted from the JSON object. For a complete list of user agreement properties and further details, see the User Agreement Object Reference.

  "type": "",
  "title": "",
  "text": "",
  "createdDate": "",
  "agreed": false,
  "agreedDate": ""


This example shows a response containing the two agreement types.

GET /dc/api/v5/users/782ecb882901dfa239247b1cd48a89b2/agreements HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json
Content-length: 931

  "results": [
      "type": "standard",
      "title": "DigitalChalk Standard End-User License Agreement",
      "text": "(EXAMPLE TEXT) By using the DigitalChalk platform, you agree to ...",
      "createdDate": "2009-03-14T16:12:32Z",
      "agreed": true,
      "agreedDate": "2013-04-02T00:00:29Z"
      "type": "custom",
      "title": "Organizational Guidelines for Educational Materials",
      "text": "The materials you access through DigitalChalk as part of the courses have been approved by the relevant international regulatory bodies. By accessing these materials, you acknowledge that the materials are covered under international copyright laws, and you agree to use the materials only in a way that is consistent with the parameters of the course.",
      "createdDate": "2012-12-06T22:07:18Z",
      "agreed": true,
      "agreedDate": "2013-04-02T00:00:29Z"
