Last modified on February 24, 2014 at 11:35 pm
The purpose of a registration is to represent a user’s enrollment in a course offering. This object tracks the user’s initial enrollment time as well as their current status in the course offering, and ultimately their completion status and overall grade, if applicable.
Example Registration Object
The following is an example of a JSON representation of a Registration object. This illustrates how registrations are represented in server responses, and you can use this same format when creating or modifying registrations.
{ id: "ad2r922ab3bc7dc884677992923deec1", userId: "8792decaa79914345364861afed8a21d", offeringId:"89cd2eada89133acedfad6d766a2d931", title: "Course 1 - Section 1", status: "passed", grade: 100, graderId: "89213aadea92ef4abbc4861afed8a215", graderComment: "credit given for hard-copy of assessment received. -course admin", createdDate: "2012-03-01T06:03:10Z", endDate: "2012-03-20T19:13:05Z" }
Property Details
Property | JSON Data Type | Description |
id | string | The userfield’s unique identifier value. A userfield’s URL in the API is composed of /dc/api/v5/userfields/ followed by this identifier. |
userId | string | The id of the user enrolled in this offering. For information on how to retrieve this user’s details, see the documentation on Retrieving a specific user by id. |
offeringId | string | The id of the offering in which the user is enrolled. For information on how to retrieve details about this offering, see the documentation on Retrieving a specific offering by id. |
title | string | The title of the offering to which the user is enrolled. |
status | string |
The current status of the user within the offering. This field has four possible values:
grade | number | The grade percentage achieved by the user for this offering registration. |
graderId | string | If a grade was assigned manually by an administrator, this id will reflect the user who assigned the grade. If a grade is assigned on a registration via an API call, this id will point to the account of the user with developer access whose token was used to make the API call. This property is read-only. |
graderComment | string | A comment provided along with a manually assigned grade. |
createdDate | string | The date the user was initially registered for the course. For more information on the expected format, see the Date/Time Format documentation. |
endDate | string | The date the user’s progress came to an end. This can be either when a grade was achieved or assigned, or when the user was ejected from the course. For more information on the expected format, see the Date/Time Format documentation. |