Offering Object Reference

Last modified on August 24, 2023 at 6:42 pm

Example Offering Object

Below is an example of a JSON representation of an Offering object. This illustrates how offerings are represented in server responses.

  "id" : "56701a2d2f926674acede4d1ce880692",
  "title" : "Principles of Commercial Property Appraisal 2013",
  "createdDate" : "2011-02-01T00:02:12Z",
  "beginDate" : "2012-05-01T00:00:00Z",
  "endDate" : "2013-12-31T23:59:59Z",
  "registrationBeginDate" : "2012-05-01T00:00:00Z",
  "registrationEndDate" : "2013-12-31T23:59:59Z",
  "summary" : "Commercial Property Appraisal 2013",
  "deliveryDescription" : "This course highlights the differences between commercial and residential appraisals with a focus on 2013 changes to the certification examination.",
  "price" : 500.0,
  "offeringCategoryIds" : [ "7822fec62f926674acede4d1c87ea25f", "ece5f268697213aef78845b221880692" ],
  "tags" : [ "commercial", "appraisal", "realestate" ],
  "orderIndex" : 0

Property Details

PropertyJSON Data TypeDescription
idstringThe offering’s unique identifier value. An offering’s URL in the API is composed of /dc/api/v5/offerings/ followed by this identifier.
titlestringThe offering title.
createdDatestringThis is the date the offering was initially created in DigitalChalk. For more information on the expected date format, see the Date/Time Format reference.
beginDatestringThis is the date users will be able to begin taking the course. For more information on the expected date format, see the Date/Time Format reference.
endDatestringThis controls when the offering ends. Any users still taking the course at this time will have their progress halted and a final grade will be calculated and assigned. For more information on the expected date format, see the Date/Time Format reference.
registrationBeginDatestringThe date the offering will be made available for registration. For more information on the expected date format, see the Date/Time Format reference.
registrationEndDatestringThe date the offering will cease to be available for registration. For more information on the expected date format, see the Date/Time Format reference.
summarystringThis is the short description of the offering that is shown in the catalog and on the student dashboard.
deliveryDescriptionstringThe description of this course on the course delivery screen.
currencyCodestringIf the offering has a price, the currency code designates the currency units for the offering price.
pricenumberThe amount charged to users to register for the course.
offeringCategoryIdsarrayThis is an array of strings, each of which is an id of an offering category. An offering can belong to many categories, or to no categories at all. For more information, see the Offering Categories documentation.
tagsarrayAn array of strings representing the tags applied to this offering. Tags are not visible to end-users, only to administrators.
orderIndexstringDetermines the order of this offering in the catalog and the user dashboard if custom ordering has been enabled on those screens. The first position has an index value of 0.